spring cleaning tips

8 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Your Student Rental Easy-Breezy

It seems like everything but classes slows down in the winter. Why go to the bars when it’s 20 and windy out? And those daily bike trail runs in cloudy sleet? No thanks. And besides the winter weight most of us put on due to never being able to eat enough to truly feel warm, we tend to add some bulk to our homes, too. It is what it is – if it’s always dark and cold, how are you supposed to get motivated to clean out that closet or put away those clothes that have sat there since you visited home three months ago? 

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Off-Campus Student Apartment

Every home needs a good dusting off after the dark and the cold of winter, especially a student apartment. There was Thanksgiving Break, winter finals, Winter Break, and then the chaos of a new semester. The chaos of the start of your last semester, if you’re graduating. Then there’s the aftermath of the winter shut down most of us go through – blankets everywhere, dishes piled up, dust in the corners, and a total lack of organization.